MCV was granted Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in July 2016 for our humanitarian work in Maasai communities. MCV core values and operations align with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and we develop Maasai-led programs to align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. MCV reports to the United Nations bodies through the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII).

Water Security
Safe Water for Maasai & Wildlife
My Chosen Vessels (MCV) has worked for over a decade providing sustainable clean water for the survival of Maasai communities in Kenya, Africa. Our mission is to provide sustainable clean water to safeguard Maasai culture, wildlife, and save lives! To date, MCV has successfully provided clean water to over 50,000 people. MCV is committed to solving the water crisis for the Maasai and wildlife in the Amboseli ecosystem; to allow the Maasai and wildlife to coexist peacefully.
Food Security
Maasai Cultural & Medicinal Garden
The Maasai natural community gardens serves to preserve indigenous herbal medicine & grow the food needed for food security for the local communities. MCV supports Maasai women farmers to manage community-based gardens to increase income for women to sell produce and provide the community with fresh food using a holistic indigenous approach based on traditional knowledge to improve the ecosystem and preserve ancient farming practices.

Recycle: Shoes For Schools
Helping the Planet & Giving a Maasai Child an Education
MCV is committed to protecting the environment, one of our recycling projects “Shoes for Schools” provides a socially responsible way to dispose of used shoes. Americans throw away approximately 300 million shoes annually that sit in landfills; these discarded shoes can take up to 40 years to decompose. By donating used shoes to MCV we keep shoes out of landfills and promote sustainability. We bring the shoes to Kenya to provide shoes to children in need and support Maasai Women entrepreneurs who sell the shoes to fund development projects for their community including providing education and building schools for Maasai students.
Sustainable Tourism to Kenya
Creating Jobs With Cultural Enterprises
MCV has provided over a hundred employment opportunities for Maasai through sustainable tourism and cultural social enterprises that focus on generating income and creating thriving communities based on creative economies and cultural tourism. MCV aims to create a sustainable financial ecosystem where the Maasai gain financial empowerment and tourism funds are reinvested back into the local communities.

UN Advocacy
Traditional Knowledge, Land Rights & Youth Advocacy
MCV has been working with the United Nations since 2016 to provide direct feedback and reports from Maasai land and to advocate for Maasai rights. MCV provides education and community workshops on land rights and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) to Maasai communities. MCV is also working with youth ambassadors to inspire the next generation of leaders to advocate with the Maasai for poverty elevation, sustainable communities, and to protect Maasai ancient traditional knowledge for future generations. MCV reports to the United Nations bodies through the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII).