Small change creates a big impact! MCV’s Change for Water Campaign allows students to participate in a coin drive to raise funds towards providing clean water for Maasai communities in East Africa.

By participating in this coin drive, students will have the opportunity to make a global change. Currently, women and girls are walking up to 12 miles to collect water in Amboseli, Kenya. The shortage of water is causing many health problems and even deaths in children. Our water projects improve the health of Maasai children and allow girls to go to school to receive an education, rather than spending their days fetching water.

Collecting coins throughout your school will allow MCV to provide clean water to Maasai communities. Your school will get updates on our progress and together we will save lives!

Resources for Educators

  • Containers for Collecting Change

  • Posters to Display at School

  • Flyers

  • Bookmarks

  • Letters to Parents and Teachers

Invite a Speaker to Your School

Invite a speaker to your school to inspire your students and faculty to participate in the coin drive and learn about the water crisis. MCV’s has storytellers, cultural ambassadors, and musicians that are highly knowledgeable about water and Maasai culture. We engage crowds of all ages to become inspired to make a global impact to solve the water crisis.

Storytelling Rates

Non-Profits & Schools (Without Change Fundraising)

$300Per day
  • Presentation (Without Fundraising)

Non-Profits & Schools (With Change Fundraising)

$100Per Day
  • Presentation (With Fundraising)

 Custom rates are available upon request.  

MCV is a Not-For-Profit, Tax-Exempt Organization. Your contributions fund our water programs for the Maasai. 


This campaign is for elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, universities, libraries, and any organization or business that wants to join us to solve the water crisis.

If you are interested, call #844-628-1414 or email